Woman smiling ready for cryotherapy treatment.


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enhance natural recovery

Reenergize the body and enhance natural recovery


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Cryotherapy in Wyckoff, NJ

Cryotherapy is the process of using cold temperatures to improve your overall health and well-being. It is a popular treatment for recovering from injury, managing pain, and optimizing athletic performance. Cryotherapy chambers use liquid nitrogen to freeze the body. While it sounds extreme, it is safe and effective when administered by a trained professional.

Do you want to learn more about cryotherapy and what it can do for your health? Contact Wellnessesity. We are the leading provider of cold therapy in Wyckoff, NJ. Call our office at (201) 347-9599 to book a free consultation today. Find out how cryotherapy can help you manage chronic illness symptoms.


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Cryotherapy Benefits

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Mitigates muscle soreness and pain after exercise

  • Fights insomnia and fatigue

  • Supports weight loss

  • Reveals glowing skin

  • Calms skin redness

  • Relaxes the body

  • Supports stamina and fitness training

  • Bolsters overall well-being

  • Promotes better sleep

Understand How Cryotherapy Works

Cryotherapy is a technique that exposes the body to freezing temperatures. The frigid environment triggers the release of B-endorphins and anti-inflammatory molecules. They also increase the anti-oxidative status of the entire body. The release of endorphins brings pain relief and a reduction in inflammation. Throughout the cryotherapy session, liquid nitrogen or air lowers the body surface temperature between -110°F to -140°F.

The sensation of being in this chill can range from discomfort to numbness, depending on how long you stay in there. There may be a tingling sensation in the extremities, but most people leave feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Understanding What Cryotherapy Does

Whole-body cryotherapy is an emerging treatment that has been growing in demand. It is a non-invasive technique that helps the body recover from various conditions. Those who do not have medical conditions can still benefit from this treatment as it improves overall health.

For most, cryotherapy reduces stress and anxiety, elevates energy levels, and increases blood circulation. But it does not end there. It can also enhance the performance of athletes. The intense cold stimulates muscle contractions which prepares them for physical activity. The muscles get more oxygen, which makes them more flexible. Athletes use cryotherapy to reduce the time it takes them to heal from injuries and boost their performance. Regular use also decreases the risk of injury.

Our patients enjoy cryotherapy because it is a great alternative to traditional medicine. Medications often only suppress symptoms for the short term. Contrarily, cold therapy provides long-term relief by repairing damaged tissues and calming inflammation.

Cryotherapy Near Me in Wyckoff, NJ

Cold therapy is an excellent treatment option for certain chronic diseases and injuries. Cryotherapy treats conditions like arthritis, muscle spasms, and inflammation. It is no wonder why so many men and women turn to this alternative over prescription medications or surgery. Are you ready to reap the benefits of cryotherapy? Get in touch with us by calling (201) 347-9599 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Discover how cryotherapy can help you reclaim your best life.

Choose Wellnessesity for Cryotherapy Treatments

Wellnessesity is happy to offer cryotherapy treatments in Wyckoff, New Jersey. People living in the area visit our facility for natural healing. After cryotherapy sessions with us, patients walk out feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Cryotherapy FAQs

What Results Can I Get from Cryotherapy?*

Everyone’s body reacts differently to cryotherapy. So, results will vary from one person to another.* But generally, it reduces the body’s inflammation and improves blood flow. This enhances the body’s ability to heal. Many patients also see improvement in their immune systems. They no longer get colds and flu as often. Get the best cryotherapy results by choosing an experienced provider like Wellnessesity.

How Much Does Cryotherapy Cost?

The cost of cryotherapy can vary depending on various factors, such as the size of the facility, type of machine, insurance coverage, number of sessions, geographic region, and provider specials.

On a budget? Consider looking for a reputable facility that is not large. Bigger facilities tend to charge more per session than the smaller ones do. Also, some cryotherapy machines cost more than others. The type of machine your provider has will impact your bill.

If you want to know how much cryotherapy will cost you, call Wellnessesity at (201) 347-9599. Schedule an initial consultation to share your medical history and determine your candidacy. If you are a good fit for the treatment, we can provide an accurate quote and get you scheduled.

Is Cryotherapy Safe?

The question of safety is one that many people ask when considering cryotherapy. The good news is that cryotherapy is safe when done correctly. But there are a few important things to keep in mind before your session, such as consulting your doctor before starting treatment, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You should be in good health and free from ailments that put you at risk while undergoing Cryotherapy treatment.
Serious side effects are rare with cryotherapy. It is normal to experience some redness and mild tingling right after the treatment. These effects usually subside within an hour.



Billy and the team at Wellnessesity are all great. Since working with him regularly, I’ve noticed improved flexibility and have significantly reduced my lower back pain. I also highly recommend cryotherapy treatments which feels amazing after a round of golf.
– Jared C.
I had an amazing experience at Wellnessesity! The vibe is beyond relaxing. The staff is extremely talented and kind. It’s a must spot for any and everything wellness related. I can’t wait for my next stretching & Emsculpt appointment!

– Danielle G.

I have struggled with neck pain for 10+ years. When Covid started, it got progressively worse due to all of the time sitting at my desk. After seeing a Chiro for over a year with no relief, I tried Wellnessesity. Within a few weeks, my pain was a lot more manageable, and now, if I visit on a regular basis, I have no pain at all. I am able to sleep through the night without waking up because I’m so uncomfortable, which has been a game changer for me. The staff are all lovely and very knowledgeable with relieving pain and suggesting activities to help (or avoid). Can’t say anything but great things …I only wish I could visit more often!
– Susan G.


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Fit, attractive couple running on a pier with the sun setting behind them to model Wellnessesity treatment benefits.


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